Sunday, November 30, 2014

December Awesomeness !

Bless Everyone !

Loved by teacher, Dad and Mum,
I'm a school bus, hear me hum,
Yellow and safe and totally cool,
Every morning, off to school.

Route to follow, hills to climb,
School bus has to be on time,
Public transport so deplored,
Come on, children, step aboard.

Last-ditch homework on the way,
Bumpy blacktop, gentle sway,
Should have done that stuff last night,
Downhill corner, hold on tight!

Laughing children, driver grins,
Waves goodbye as school begins,
I honk loudly: back real soon,
Hmmm no more

How to Make a Database Using MS Access

Create a blank database. First, launch Access and choose File> New.

Choose a blank database since you will be building it from scratch.

Table 1 will appear on the screen. Click on "Click to Add".

Enter details for the first two fictional employees. Type Mary, press Enter to move to the next column, and type Smith. Press Enter twice to move to the second column of the second row, and type Peter, press Enter,and finally type Johnson.

You need to alter the design at this point, because it does not have any table headers, so that you can use employee ID numbers. To make these changes, click the View drop-down menu on the Home tab of the Ribbon toolbar, and select Design View.

Type Employees as the table name when the Save As box as the table name appears (in the tab beneath the menu bar) and click OK.

  1. 7
    Once you've typed some data, you can fine-tune the design by moving to Design View.
  2. 8
    Once in Design View mode, type EmployeeNumber in place of the 'ID' field name.
  3. 9
    Press the Tab key, and in the Data Type drop-down list, choose Number.
  4. 10
    Change 'Field1' to read FirstName and 'Field2' to read LastName.
  5. 11
    Return to Datasheet View by clicking View, Datasheet View.
  6. 12
    Click Yes when prompted to save the table.
  7. 13
    Type the numbers 2011 and 2045 in the first column of the table.
  8. 14 Once the table is complete, save it by right-clicking the Employees tab                  and clicking Save.
  9. 15
    Create a Table to Contain Item Information. To create a second table in which to store information about the electronic devices your employees are                    using, select the Create tab on the Ribbon toolbar, and click Table.
  10. 16
    Click on "Click to Add", type T23, and press Enter. Type iPhone, and press Enter twice. ("T23" and "iPhone" are just examples. You can use whatever number scheme makes sense for your business.)
  11. 17
    Each item must be allocated to the employee who is in possession of it.Click the View drop-down menu on the Ribbon toolbar, and click Design View.
  12. 18
    Type the table name Electronics, and click OK.
  13. 19
    In the Design View, type Employee Number in place of the field name 'ID'.
  14. 20
    Press the Tab key; in the Data Type drop-down menu, choose Number.
  15. 21 Type IDcode in place of 'Field1' and Description in place of 'Field2'.
  16. 22
    Currently the EmployeeNumber field is set to be a "primary key" field, which prevents you from entering duplicate data in that field. You’ll need                to change that setting so that you can enter the same employee number                       multiple times if that employee has several devices checked out.
  17. 23
    Click anywhere in the EmployeeNumber field in the table, and click the Primary Key button on the Ribbon toolbar to remove the Primary Key setting from this field.
  18. A24.PNG
    Return to Datasheet View by clicking View, Datasheet View on the Ribbon toolbar. When prompted, click Yes to save the table. Type 2011 as the employee number for the first electronics item in the list. Then just continue or you can follow the image below.
  19. 25
    Establish a Relationship Between the Tables. Now that you've set up the table design, you can enter data into the table.
  20. 26
    First, save and close each table by right-clicking each table's tab and choosing Close (click Yes if prompted).

  21. A21.PNG
    Next, select the Database Tools tab on the Ribbon toolbar, and click the Relationships button.
  22. A22.PNG
    When the Show Table dialog box appears, click on each table name in turn, click Add, and then click Close.
  23. 29
    Drag the EmployeeNumber field from the Employees box, and drop it on top of the EmployeeNumber in the Electronics box.
  24. A23.PNG
    The Edit Relationships dialog box will open when you do this. Select the Enforce Referential Integrity checkbox, and click Create.
  25. 31
    The Relationships tool allows you to create the link between the two data tables.You should now see a line between the two tables, with a 1 on the Employees side and the infinity symbol on the Electronics side. This line describes a one-to-many link: One employee can have many devices, but each device can be allocated to only one employee.

  26. 32
    Create a Form to Enter and View Data. Now that the two tables are linked, you can create a form that will make it easy to add employees and devices.
  27. A26.PNG
    On the Ribbon toolbar, click Create, Form Wizard.
  28. A27.PNG
    When the Form Wizard dialog box appears, select Table: Employee from the Tables/Queries menu, and click the double-arrow button to add all the fields to the Selected Fields list.
  29. As2.PNG
    Next, in the Table/Queries menu, click the Table: Electronics entry, click IDcode, and click the single arrow.
  30. 36
    Finally, click Description, click the single arrow, and then click Next.
  31. As5.PNG
    When you see the 'How do you want to view your data?' prompt, click by Employees, choose Form with subform(s), and then click Next.
  32. 38
    Now, click Datasheet, Next, and Finish to name the forms with the default names and to open the form to view information.
  33. A00.PNG
    Your form will open on the screen, showing details for the first employee in the Employees table as well as all the electronic devices that have been assigned to that person.
  34. 40
    You can move from one employee to the next using the navigation tools at the foot of the screen. Here too is a 'New (Blank) Record' button that you can click to add a new employee.When you add a new electronics item, Access will associate it with the current employee automatically.

ICT SPM Revision companion ! Preview !

Q1 : What is the difference between computerised and non-computerised transactions in banking system.

:: Just Google:: ;) !

Q2 : State the need for intellectual property laws.
A2 : Intellectual property laws are of need to establish and safeguard the intellectual property which refers to work created by inventors, authors and artists.
Q3 : List of effects of controversial contents on society. 
(i) Pornography.  (ii) Slander.
A3 : 
 (i) Pornography.
(ii) Slander
* Leads to criminal acts such as exploitation of women and children.
* Leads to sexual addiction or perversion.
* Develops low moral value towards other men, women or even children.
* Could erode good religious, cultural and social beliefs and behaviour.
* Develops a society that disregards honesty and truth.
* Develops bad habit of spreading untruths and rumors.
* Leads to unnecessary argument.
*Causes people to have negative attitudes towards another person.
Q4 : Define Computer Security.
A4 : Computer security means protecting our computer systems and the information they contain against unwanted access, damage, destruction, or modification. 
Q5 : Define computer systems.
A5 : A computer system is defined as combination of components designed to process data and store files. A computer system consists of four major hardware components; input devices, output devices, processor and storage devices.
Q6 : State the meaning of input, process, output and storage.
A6 : 
Input is any data or instructions that we enter into the computer system for processing. There are four types of input: which are text, graphic, audio and video. Example of input devices are keyboard, light pen, joystick, microphone, mouse, video & digital camera.
The processing unit controls all activities within the system. The CPU is an example of a processor. It has the same importance as the brain to human being.
Storage is a location which data, instruction and information are held for future use. It is the physical material that keeps keeps data, instruction and information. There are two types of storage. They are the primary storage and secondary storage. The example of storage devices are hardisk, Floppy Disk, diskette, RAM, CD ROM and DVD ROM.

Output is data that has been processed into a useful form, called information. There are four types of output, which are texts, graphics, audio and video. Example of output devices are monitor, printer, speaker and plotter.
Q7 : Explain the function of ASCII
A7 :  ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information
Interchange & was proposed by ASA in 1963 & was finalized in 1968.
ASCII is standard of 7-bit code used to represent characters, which include letters, numbers & punctuation marks. ASCII was established to achieve compatibility between various types of data processing equipment making it possible for the components to communicate with each other successfully.
ASCII enables manufacturers to produce component that are assured to operate correctly in a computer.
ASCII makes it possible for humans to interact with a computer. It also enables users to purchase components that are compatible with their computer configurations.
Q8 : State the units of data measurement : 
i.) Bit, ii.) Byte, iii.) Kilobyte (KB), iv.) Megabyte (MB), v.) Gigabyte (GB) and vi.) Terabyte (TB).
A8 : 
i.) A bit is a binary digit, the smallest increment of data on a computer. A bit can hold only one of two values: 0 or 1, corresponding to the electrical values of off or on, respectively.
ii.) Bits are usually assembled into a group of eight to form a byte. A byte contains enough information to store a single ASCII character, like "h".
iii.) A kilobyte (KB) is 1,024 bytes, not one thousand bytes as might be expected, because computers use binary (base two) math, instead of a decimal (base ten) system.
iv.) 1 MB is 1,024 kilobytes, or 1,048,576 (1024x1024) bytes, not one million bytes.
v.) 1 GB is 1,024 MB, or 1,073,741,824 (1024x1024x1024) bytes. 
vi.) A terabyte (TB) is 1,024 GB; 1 TB is about the same amount of information as all of the books in a large library, or roughly 1,610 CDs worth of data. 
Q9 : State the units of clock speed measurement: i. Megahertz (MHz), ii. Gigahertz (GHz). 
A9 : 
(i). Megahertz (MHz) equals to one million cycles of the system clock.
(ii). Gigahertz (GHz) equals to one billion cycles of the system clock. 
Q 10 : Identify the output devices used for text, graphic, audio and video.
A 10 : monitor is an example of an output device that can be used to display text. It can also display graphics and video. It accepts video signals from a computer and displays information on its screen. A printer is another example of an output device that can be used to print text, apart from graphics, on mediums such as paper, transparency film or even cloths. A photo printer is a color printer that produces photo-lab-quality pictures.
An image setter produces high quality output compared to an ordinary laser printer. An image setter is a high resolution output device that can transfer electronic text and graphics directly to film, plates, or photo-sensitive paper.
A pair of speakers is an audio output device that generates sound. The headphone is a pair of small speakers placed over the ears and plugged into a port on the sound card. A woofer or subwoofer is used to boost the low bass sound and is connected to the port on the sound card.
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) projector uses its own light source to project what is displayed on the computer on a wall or projection screen. A digital light processing (DLP) projector uses tiny mirrors to reflect light which can be seen clearly in a well-lit room.
Q11 : State the various types of OS used on different platforms.
A11 : PC Platform Operating Systems
The examples of operating systems used on PC platforms or IBM compatible computers are:
· Disk Operating System (DOS)
· Microsoft Windows XP
DOS used a command line interface when Microsoft first developed it. Microsoft Windows XP’s operating environment is a Graphical User Interface (GUI). Both are closed source software.
Apple Platform Operating Systems
The operating systems used on Apple platforms are Mac OS & Mac OS X.
Mac OS was the first commercially successful graphical user interface. It is a closed source software and are targeted for use with home desktops and workstations.
Mac OS X is a multitasking operating system and targeted for use with home desktops, workstations and servers. It also has better security protection compared to Mac OS, for example the integrated firewall utility.
Cross-Platform Operating Systems
Cross-platforms operating systems are:
UNIX is a multitasking operating system. Some versions of UNIX have a command line interface but most versions of UNIX offer a graphical user interface. 
Linux is a popular, free, UNIX-like graphical user interface operating system. It is an open source software. Linux provides a great deal of liberty to those that interact with Linux technology. Although Linux runs on many kinds of equipment, it is best known for its support of IBM-Intel PC-based hardware.
Q12: State the function of OS.
A12 : The main functions of OS are
starting a computer
providing a user interface
managing data & program
managing memory
configuring devices

The "Yellow Sky Eagle", is intended to create any kind of reading material for aiding studies..