Information about Lifestyle Transformations presented in the most simple, powerful and exciting way that Harikrishna Ram SonOf Veerannathan is capable of - Settling down only for the best (Meaning that content here will always be improved and improved for the better)
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Go Health Savy the old way
How how !!
BMI is your weight (in kilograms) over your height squared (in centimeters). Let’s calculate, however, using pounds and inches.
For instance, the BMI of a person who is 5’3" and weighs 125 lbs is calculated as follows:
We compare this value to the weight categories listed on the BMI table and find that she is of a normal weight.
How how !!
BMI is your weight (in kilograms) over your height squared (in centimeters). Let’s calculate, however, using pounds and inches.
For instance, the BMI of a person who is 5’3" and weighs 125 lbs is calculated as follows:
Metric Method
The metric formula accepts height measurements in meters and weight in kilograms. If you know your height in centimeters only, simply divide the number of centimeters by 100 convert it to meters.
For example, a person who is 183cms tall is 1.83m tall (183cm / 100 = 1.83m).
Using the metric formula is even easier than the imperial method as it's a two step process
- Multiply your height by itself.
- Divide your weight in kilograms by the value calculated in step 1.
The resulting number is your BMI. Compare this BMI value with the weight status table below.
Imperial (US) Method
The imperial formula accepts height measurements in inches and weight in pounds. It's popular in the US where the imperial system is mostly used. Many people know their height in feet and inches, but not in inches only.
If this applies to you, we need to convert your height into inches so we can use it in the equation. There are 12 inches in a foot, so multiply your number of feet by 12 and add them to the number of extra inches.
For example, if your height is 5 feet 10 inches, multiply 5 by 12 (which gives 60") and add them to the extra 10 inches (which gives 70").
Now we have the right measurements we can use them in the formula.
There are three simple steps for computing BMI with imperial values:
- Multiply your weight in pounds by 703.
- Multiply your height in inches by itself
- Divide the figure from step 1 by the figure in step 3.
The resulting number is your BMI. Compare this BMI value with the weight status table below.
Enishaa weighs 150lbs and is 5 feet 4 inches tall. She wants to know if she is overweight.
Enishaa's height in inches is (5 * 12) + 4 = 66"
1. Using the first part of the formula we multiply her weight by 703. 150 * 703 = 105450
2. Using the second part of the formula we multiply Enishaa's height by itself. 66 x 66 = 4356
3. Finally we divide the first figure by the second.105450 / 4356 = 24.21
Enishaa's BMI is 24.21
We compare this value to the weight categories listed on the BMI table and find that she is of a normal weight.
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Think it out.
Good Things happen to the bad people
and bad things happen to the god people
but always remember based on the Apple
MAndeh's Law ! The good thing should
also happen to the good people and the
bad thing should also happen to the bad
people ! Thus, we have life ! in action !!
This is what that happens when some
people start to think !
Monday, December 15, 2014
Trust me because I practice it before I tell others.
Every Thought you Think, attracts things into your life.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
See if there is any sense if you do not consider this insane !
Manipulating from the best is not the rest of the best, it is about reconstructing from the past which makes it worth a good cheer.To start of with responding :) !
Friday, December 12, 2014
How to not feel miserable :D !
Your brain contains more than 100 billion neurons that flawlessly work together to create consciousness and thought. It is an astonishing marvel of evolution and adaptation, and it is also a huge dick.What do we mean by that? Well, everyone wants to be happy, but the biggest obstacle to that is the mushy thing inside your skull that you think with. Evolution has left your brain with all sorts of mechanisms that are heavily biased toward misery. We can't guarantee that reading this article will help, for your brain is as crafty as it is sadistic. But at least you'll understand it better.
#5. Your Brain Latches onto the Bad Stuff by Design
Pixland/Pixland/Getty Images
At some point in the last year you've spoken to a woman with supermodel looks who would not stop talking about how horrible it was that she had gained half a pound or had a faint pimple on her forehead. You realized that this was a person who somehow could look at her fashion-magazine face in the mirror and only see the pimple. It's so annoying -- why can't she just focus on the positive?Brendon Thorne/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images
Seconds after this photo, she started ringing the bell frantically and shouting, "Sanctuary! Sanctuary!"But of course, we all do it to varying degrees -- you might pass 5,000 cars on your morning commute, and 4,999 of them might be perfect, polite drivers. But then you pass that one guy in the SUV who literally stuck his buttocks out of his side window and took a flying shit on your hood. When you get to work, are you going to talk about the 4,999 good drivers or the flying hood shitter? You're going to focus on the negative, because your brain is hardwired to devote more attention to the misery in life.Researchers have found this in a laboratory setting: They can show participants pictures of angry and happy faces, and the participants will identify the angry faces much faster than the happy ones. How much faster, you ask? So fast, we answer, that the participants had no conscious recollection of ever seeing the faces. That's right -- your brain already identified the shit parts of your day before you even knew it. You have a sixth sense for misery.Pixland/Pixland/Getty Images
"Wait, my 'everything sucks' sense is tingling."And that was a great ability to have back when evolution was deciding which of us would reproduce and which would get eaten -- we needed a brain tuned to spot threats. Giggling at the butterflies instead of running from the tiger puts you in the express lane through the tiger's intestinal tract. We focus on the negative because it's the negative shit that gets us killed -- there was no evolutionary advantage to stopping to smell the roses. But this has left us with a brain that not only devotes our attention to the bad stuff, but also makes us remember it a lot better. Think about the implications in your everyday life -- you can wind up walking away from a pretty good job or relationship because you only remember the bad times.If there's a good side to it, the effect does seem to reverse as we get older, when nostalgia starts to set in and we focus more on the good memories. Unfortunately, for many of us the only effect of that seems to be that we can't stop talking about how freaking great things were back in our
"This is bullshit. They've whitewashed the neo-anarchist undertones that made the Ninja Turtles so meaningful."#4. Killing Negative Thoughts Only Makes Them Stronger
Creatas Images/Creatas/Getty Images
All right, you think, if negative thoughts are so powerful and make us so miserable, we'll just force ourselves to stop focusing on them. After all, we're conscious animals; we have control over our own brains. Now that we're aware of the problem, we just won't do it -- we'll look in the mirror and force ourselves to not think about the pimple.Sure. First, let's try a really simple brain exercise:Imagine a white bear humping another bear. Try to get a really clear picture of them in your mind. All right, now stop thinking of the humping bears. Use all of your powers of concentration to eliminate all traces of them from your mind. You shouldn't be seeing the white bears at all now, or their frantic thrusting, even when we repeat the words "humping white bears."Jupiterimages/ Images
"... I should not have Googled that phrase while at work."Did it work? Hell, no! In fact, the more you tried to not think about bear sex, the more you thought about it. This, unfortunately, is the same thing that happens when you try to force yourself to not think about the pimple in the mirror: Suppressing negative thoughts actually makes them stronger. You read that right. Negative thoughts are like the Sand People: If you chase them away, they'll come back in greater numbers.
"I'll be back! You haven't even begun to freak out about that elevator conversation!"It's actually insane when you think about it -- we're constantly trying to banish bad thoughts from our mind, but the human brain simply doesn't have a mechanism for doing it. After all, the only way to know for sure that you are not thinking about horny white bears is by monitoring your thoughts and "scanning" them for any traces of them. So the process basically goes like this:"Am I thinking about humping white bears?""Well, I wasn't, but now I am ..."Psychologists call these ironic thought processes. They are the reason why you only want the stuff that you can't have, why trying to suppress laughter only makes you laugh more, why you fail at stuff when somebody is watching, and so on. Telling yourself not to be afraid of failure puts failure right at the center of your thoughts. It's the difference between overweight people who are always counting calories and rail-thin people who have to be reminded to eat at meal time because otherwise they just "forget to eat." The overweight dieters are constantly failing because staying under the calorie count requires them to do the one thing they should be avoiding: thinking about food.Jupiterimages/liquidlibrary/Getty Images
"And over there we'll plant pizza trees far as the eye can see."This is the cruel irony of people who are chronic worriers. Brain scans show that people who are constantly worrying about every little thing have much more active brains than other people ... but the extra energy is wasted. When worriers try to complete a task they worried about, they end up doing worse than non-worriers doing the same task. So much of their brain power is being used to try to foresee all the bad outcomes that they almost guarantee that one of those bad outcomes will occur.Meanwhile, people who aren't concerned about what will happen can dedicate all their concentration to solving whatever problem is in front of them, meaning their chances of success are higher. That's right -- you could say that some people succeed purely because they're too dumb to know why they should fail.#3. Grief Is Addictive
Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
Think about how much of our entertainment is based around negative emotions. Why do we like scary movies? Or sad songs? Why do we watch movies about disasters or obsessively follow morbid news stories about sensational murder trials? If something horrible happens to us, why do we find ourselves constantly thinking and talking about it?Jupiterimages/ Images
"You weren't there! All that tanning lotion ... String cheese was everywhere ..."If you were trying to come up with some kind of logical explanation, you could maybe say that it's because focusing on terrible things reminds us of how good we have it. But the science says that we actually take pleasure in the negative emotion itself. We willingly dive back into misery again and again for the same reason we willingly board a roller coaster or go bungee jumping: We get a rush from it. That is, the pleasure/reward centers of your brain light up and release dopamine. And you can get addicted to whatever causes your brain to release dopamine, whether it's chocolate or fistfights.And just as with any addiction, there are some people who can handle it better than others -- we all respond differently. And what researchers are finding is that some people get addicted to grief.Gary Gershoff/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images
"Oh yeah, that's good grief ..."They think this may be why some people can just pick up and move on after a trauma, while others never do. They just keep reliving it, refreshing that feeling over and over. Because of the jacked-up way your brain is wired, even the most horrible thing that's ever happened to you gave you a rush. Don't get us wrong -- that chronically grieving person you know isn't enjoying it, any more than the junkie "enjoys" being an addict. They just get trapped in a feedback loop because they're subconsciously afraid to let go of the one strong emotion that makes them feel alive.And when it comes time to try to break us out of that cycle, something else comes into play, which is the fact that ...
Thanks to this source and
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
The money you will never earn.
click to earn $10 a second, the money you will never earn

The internet is very vast, it is like the universe, it keeps expanding. The internet is accommodating everybody whether good or bad. There is also so much avenue people can make money from the internet but they don't know how. Therefore they take any route that presents itself and end up making money into other peoples pockets. There has been a trend growing on the internet most especially social media "CLICK TO EARN $10 EVERY SECOND" referral program and so many people are clicking and clicking just to make money but before I continue money is not made that way and can't be made that way. This referral programs ask individuals who have registered on their platform to send link to others with the notion that if they click on that particular link those registered individuals make money.
Today I am going to expose the treachery behind this referral programs. So many don't know that this programs are fake,monthlyyouth, jobandpay, weeklyyouthpay and a host of others are all scams.
Before the expose is done, first, let us find out what is behind the creation of this websites. There are avenues for creating wealth or making money from the internet and website creation is one of them. websites are created to drive traffic to them. The more people visit this websites the more money is made from ads or adverts placed on them. Now back to the main issue, monthlyyouth, jobandpay and weeklyyouth are all using the traffic or visits they get from the numerous people on the internet looking for ways to make money.
The EXPOSE begins. Look at the picture below from the homepage of monthlyyouth carefully. Monthly youth is making money from the number of times you visit the site since they have placed ads on their website. Go down just below the footer the ad has been placed there.
I have extract some parts of the homepages of monthlyyouth, weeklyyouthpay and jobandpay. If we look at these three extracts critically you will find some similarities. A look at the recent payments, it can be observed that all pages of the three websites have the same number of persons and same amount received by these persons
Recent Payments: Honey Babe 8900 USD (UK) John Rickson 1200 USD (ID) Money334 9700 USD (MY) MariaGirl1990 3490 USD (USA)
Also all three websites have these same informations below
Current Active Job holders: 128,000 Employees. | |||
Total Work completed of: 245,954,909 USD | |||
Paid to members on Approval: 205,954,909 USD |
Now on your own find out other similarities that would give you more proof that these websites are scams from the extracts below |
I hope my explanation would enlighten you. Upnext how to make money on the internet the right way
Monday, December 1, 2014
Free_Advice. All Free !
Let the fault be on the person you are conversing with but still try not to pin point the fault even if you don't put the fault on yourself as there is nothing to loose in a simple conversation ! ! ! Just saying !
Sunday, November 30, 2014
December Awesomeness !
Bless Everyone !
Loved by teacher, Dad and Mum,
I'm a school bus, hear me hum,
Yellow and safe and totally cool,
Every morning, off to school.
Route to follow, hills to climb,
School bus has to be on time,
Public transport so deplored,
Come on, children, step aboard.
Last-ditch homework on the way,
Bumpy blacktop, gentle sway,
Should have done that stuff last night,
Downhill corner, hold on tight!
Laughing children, driver grins,
Waves goodbye as school begins,
I honk loudly: back real soon,
Hmmm no more
How to Make a Database Using MS Access
Create a blank database. First, launch Access and choose File> New.
Choose a blank database since you will be building it from scratch.
Table 1 will appear on the screen. Click on "Click to Add".
Enter details for the first two fictional employees. Type Mary, press Enter to move to the next column, and type Smith. Press Enter twice to move to the second column of the second row, and type Peter, press Enter,and finally type Johnson.
You need to alter the design at this point, because it does not have any table headers, so that you can use employee ID numbers. To make these changes, click the View drop-down menu on the Home tab of the Ribbon toolbar, and select Design View.
Type Employees as the table name when the Save As box as the table name appears (in the tab beneath the menu bar) and click OK.- 7Once you've typed some data, you can fine-tune the design by moving to Design View.
- 8Once in Design View mode, type EmployeeNumber in place of the 'ID' field name.
- 9Press the Tab key, and in the Data Type drop-down list, choose Number.
- 10Change 'Field1' to read FirstName and 'Field2' to read LastName.
- 11Return to Datasheet View by clicking View, Datasheet View.
- 12Click Yes when prompted to save the table.
- 13Type the numbers 2011 and 2045 in the first column of the table.
- 14 Once the table is complete, save it by right-clicking the Employees tab and clicking Save.
- 15Create a Table to Contain Item Information. To create a second table in which to store information about the electronic devices your employees are using, select the Create tab on the Ribbon toolbar, and click Table.
- 16Click on "Click to Add", type T23, and press Enter. Type iPhone, and press Enter twice. ("T23" and "iPhone" are just examples. You can use whatever number scheme makes sense for your business.)
- 17Each item must be allocated to the employee who is in possession of it.Click the View drop-down menu on the Ribbon toolbar, and click Design View.
- 18Type the table name Electronics, and click OK.
- 19In the Design View, type Employee Number in place of the field name 'ID'.
- 20Press the Tab key; in the Data Type drop-down menu, choose Number.
- 21 Type IDcode in place of 'Field1' and Description in place of 'Field2'.
- 22Currently the EmployeeNumber field is set to be a "primary key" field, which prevents you from entering duplicate data in that field. You’ll need to change that setting so that you can enter the same employee number multiple times if that employee has several devices checked out.
- 23Click anywhere in the EmployeeNumber field in the table, and click the Primary Key button on the Ribbon toolbar to remove the Primary Key setting from this field.
24Return to Datasheet View by clicking View, Datasheet View on the Ribbon toolbar. When prompted, click Yes to save the table. Type 2011 as the employee number for the first electronics item in the list. Then just continue or you can follow the image below.
- 25Establish a Relationship Between the Tables. Now that you've set up the table design, you can enter data into the table.
- 26First, save and close each table by right-clicking each table's tab and choosing Close (click Yes if prompted).
27Next, select the Database Tools tab on the Ribbon toolbar, and click the Relationships button.
28When the Show Table dialog box appears, click on each table name in turn, click Add, and then click Close.
- 29Drag the EmployeeNumber field from the Employees box, and drop it on top of the EmployeeNumber in the Electronics box.
30The Edit Relationships dialog box will open when you do this. Select the Enforce Referential Integrity checkbox, and click Create.
- 31The Relationships tool allows you to create the link between the two data tables.You should now see a line between the two tables, with a 1 on the Employees side and the infinity symbol on the Electronics side. This line describes a one-to-many link: One employee can have many devices, but each device can be allocated to only one employee.
- 32Create a Form to Enter and View Data. Now that the two tables are linked, you can create a form that will make it easy to add employees and devices.
33On the Ribbon toolbar, click Create, Form Wizard.
34When the Form Wizard dialog box appears, select Table: Employee from the Tables/Queries menu, and click the double-arrow button to add all the fields to the Selected Fields list.
35Next, in the Table/Queries menu, click the Table: Electronics entry, click IDcode, and click the single arrow.
- 36Finally, click Description, click the single arrow, and then click Next.
37When you see the 'How do you want to view your data?' prompt, click by Employees, choose Form with subform(s), and then click Next.
- 38Now, click Datasheet, Next, and Finish to name the forms with the default names and to open the form to view information.
39Your form will open on the screen, showing details for the first employee in the Employees table as well as all the electronic devices that have been assigned to that person.
- 40You can move from one employee to the next using the navigation tools at the foot of the screen. Here too is a 'New (Blank) Record' button that you can click to add a new employee.When you add a new electronics item, Access will associate it with the current employee automatically.
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